Should I Book An Engagement Session With My Wedding Photographer?
To give you a very quick answer, YES! Although I may be biased and, of course, I love shooting. However, I also love spending time with the couples I work with, and quite honestly I enjoy engagement photography sessions very much! There are no constrictions with time, and we can go to virtually any locations, spend extra time setting up a single shot and probably 100 different reasons and more. But I would like to give you five tips on why you need an engagement session with your wedding photographer.
Great professional images
Engagement sessions are tailored entirely to you, your personalities and your wishes. Most couples that we work with have never been professionally photographed, and this is a great opportunity for you to have a taste of it before your wedding day. You will be provided with great photos and great memories you can show off on your wedding day and for the rest of your life!

Building Relationship With Your Wedding Photographer
Let me start by saying that unless you are a former or current model, being in front of the camera is not easy at all. So, to give you an example I’ll start with myself. I am a professional photographer, I know how to capture amazing images, how to pose couples, get their expression, get the moment they are in, but put me in that camera, and I am terrible at all these things. Likewise, many couples, which I work with feel this way, you become hyper-aware of me and my camera. That is why it’s crucial that couples I work with gain trust in me as their photographer so we can improve our communication and their wedding day photos.

Understanding How The Session Works
It is important that you understand how a creative photography session works, to improve the outcome of your wedding day photos. I will help you to gain a better understanding of the foundation of posing, and you will help me understand what kind of style of photography you like. If there is anything that we need to fine tune for your wedding, an engagement session is a perfect opportunity and training to achieve amazing results. You will know exactly what to do, after the engagement session.

Nail Down The Style
The preferred photography style is one of the most important things we need to tackle before your wedding day. I want to know what kind of activities you like, what is the look and style you prefer, so we can hone in the vision for your wedding day images. We will sit down after your session and review all the images taken on the day of the engagement session. We will discuss all the images you love, and if there are images that you may not like, we will know that this will not happen on your wedding day shoot.

Better Wedding Day Images
All the steps above will lead us to one and one thing only, BETTER WEDDING DAY PHOTOGRAPHY! To get to straight to the point you “will be trained” in how to take better images on the day of your wedding. If we have to work on a very tight timeline, I do not have to spend time teaching you how to pose, as you already know what and how to do it because of your engagement session. You have seen my work, you have trust in me, and you have trust and confidence in yourself. You have done it, you rocked it for the engagement session. Ultimately, it will be very beneficial as it will give you confidence for the wedding day shoot.

Get in Touch
Contact Info
7300 N. Cicero Suite 204b, Lincolnwood Il, 60712
(312) 600-0209
Studio Hours
Tuesday – Saturday: 10am – 7pm
Sunday-Monday: Closed
Studio visits are by appointment only