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Chicago Skyline Engagement Session

By 07/05/2017February 7th, 2024Chicago Wedding Photographer

Our session with Connie and Arun started off at the Lincoln Park Board Walk in Chicago and from there on we moved down the River Walk, and for the last location we of course choose the best spot for some skyline photos, Museum Campus. Beating crowds in all these locations is not an easy task, especially if you are out on the first sunny and nice day of the Spring. Everyone is out, everyone is taking photos, and everyone is just enjoying the weather. But we found our ways and capture some of the most amazing engagement photographs I personally have ever done.

How They Met

We were introduced by a mutual friend in 2006 in Chicago. I’ll never forget that interaction; I told our friend immediately after that I was going to marry Connie one day. Connie and I kept in touch over the years, remaining friends, but deep down I was always wondering what if. We finally gave it a chance in 2015 and the rest is history. I was right all those years ago, I WAS going to marry her! In November of 2016, I sent four bouquets of roses and lilies (her favorite) to our home and each had a coded message. When put together, they read: “Roses are red, Lilies are a kiss, Grab a nice dress, And be ready by Six!”. From there, I took her to our favorite restaurant, Perennial Virant, where we had our first date and we enjoyed a nice dinner with a bottle of red. When we got home, I asked her if she wanted to join me on our rooftop for one more drink – it was a gorgeous evening! The ring had been burning a hole in my pocket all night; my nerves were definitely building. On our rooftop on a warm November night in Chicago (how lucky!), I asked her to marry me with the beautiful Chicago skyline as our backdrop.


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